반응형 이명박 이명박 인수위1 [08SEOUL127] 성과 발표를 한 달 앞둔 이명박 인수위원회 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 000127 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2018 TAGS: PGOV PREL PINR KS KN SUBJECT: LEE MYUNG-BAK TRANSITION TEAM: ONE MONTH LEFT BEFORE SHOWTIME Classified By: A/POL Brian D. McFeeters. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: President-elect Lee Myung-bak's Transition Team has had a busy first month. Charged with laying the blueprint for Lee Myung-bak's presidential t.. 2011. 12. 5. 이전 1 다음 반응형