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위키리크스 한국관련34

[08SEOUL127] 성과 발표를 한 달 앞둔 이명박 인수위원회 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 000127 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2018 TAGS: PGOV PREL PINR KS KN SUBJECT: LEE MYUNG-BAK TRANSITION TEAM: ONE MONTH LEFT BEFORE SHOWTIME Classified By: A/POL Brian D. McFeeters. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: President-elect Lee Myung-bak's Transition Team has had a busy first month. Charged with laying the blueprint for Lee Myung-bak's presidential t.. 2011. 12. 5.
[08SEOUL112] 이명박의 핵심 보좌진, 신임 대통령이 새로운 대한민국을 이끌 거라 믿어 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 000112 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2018 TAGS: PGOV PREL PINR KN KS SUBJECT: KEY LEE MYUNG-BAK ADVISERS BELIEVE NEW PRESIDENT WILL USHER IN A NEW KOREA Classified By: CDA Bill Stanton. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: At lunch with the Ambassador on January 17, Lee Myung-bak advisers Choi Shee-joong and Hyun In-taek expressed optimism about Korea's future.. 2011. 11. 27.
[08SEOUL102] 이명박 대통령 당선자, FTA와 비자면제협정에 대한 상원의 지지 요청 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 000102 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014 TAGS: KN KS PGOV PREL PINR SUBJECT: PRESIDENT-ELECT ASKS FOR SENATORS' SUPPORT ON FTA, VISA WAIVER Classified By: Amb. Alexander Vershbow. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary. On September 16, President-elect Lee Myung-bak met with Senators Inouye and Stevens and the Ambassador at the President-elect's office. He talke.. 2011. 11. 27.
[08SEOUL96] 대통합민주신당, 싸워보지도 않고 포기 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 000096 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014 TAGS: KN KS PGOV PREL PINR SUBJECT: UNDP GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT Classified By: Amb. Alexander Vershbow. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) In a meeting that started off in front of a crowd of cameras and reporters, newly-selected United New Democratic Party (UNDP) chair Sohn Hak-kyu gave the Ambassador his assessment of N.. 2011. 11. 27.
[07SEOUL3511] 정동영 후보 선대본부장 정대철, 정동영과 대통합민주신당의 미래 어두워 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 003511 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014 TAGS: KN KS PGOV PREL PINR SUBJECT: CHUNG DONG-YOUNG CAMPAIGN MANAGER: CHUNG AND UNDP'S FUTURE BLEAK Classified By: Amb. Alexander Vershbow. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: Over coffee on December 10, former lawmaker and current head of UNDP candidate Chung Dong-young's campaign, Chyung Dai-chul, told the Ambassad.. 2011. 11. 27.
[07SEOUL3579] 이명박의 승리 비결은 “노무현 대통령과 무조건 반대로” 전략 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 003579 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014 TAGS: KN KS PGOV PREL PINR SUBJECT: "ANYTHING BUT ROH" CARRIES THE DAY FOR PRESIDENT-ELECT LEE MYUNG-BAK Classified By: POL Joseph Y. Yun. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: GNP candidate Lee Myung-bak won a landslide victory in the December 19 presidential election, winning 49 percent of the votes in a field of ten .. 2011. 11. 24.
[07SEOUL3552] 여론조사 전문가들, 최후의 공격에도 불구하고 이명박이 큰 표차로 승리할 것이라 예측 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 003552 SIPDIS SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/10/2014 TAGS: KN KS PGOV PREL PINR SUBJECT: POLLSTERS SAY LEE MYUNG-BAK WILL WIN BIG DESPITE LAST-MINUTE ATTACKS Classified By: POL Joseph Y. Yun. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: Two days before the Korean presidential election and five days since the prohibition on political polling went into place, two representatives f.. 2011. 11. 24.
[07SEOUL3427] 백종천 통일외교안보정책실장 미국 방문 관련 사전 정보 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 003427 SIPDIS SIPDIS NSC FOR WILDER, FRASER, TONG E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/06/2017 TAGS: KS KN PGOV PREL SUBJECT: SCENESETTER FOR NSA BAEK'S TRIP TO WASHINGTON Classified By: Ambassador Alexander Vershbow. Reasons 1.4 (b/d). 1. (C) SUMMARY: ROK National Security Advisor Baek Jong-chun will make what he sees as his final visit to Washington in his current position on Dec.. 2011. 11. 24.
[08SEOUL2457] 제승완 민정1비서관실 선임행정관, FTA 주요 법률이 통과될 것이라 밝혀 E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/10/2018 TAGS: PGOV PREL PINR KN KS SUBJECT: BLUE HOUSE ADVISOR SAYS FTA, MAJOR LAWS WILL PASS REF: SEOUL 2432 Classified By: A/DCM Joseph Y. Yun. Reasons 1.4 (b,d). 1. (C) Summary: Ze Seung-wan, advisor to President Lee for civil affairs, told poloff December 22 that the KORUS FTA, along with other major legislation currently on hold due to physical opposition from the Democ.. 2011. 11. 24.
[08SEOUL2409] 한국 정부, 북한에 단호한 태도 유지하기로 C O N F I D E N T I A L SEOUL 002409 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/16/2018 TAGS: PGOV PREL KN KS SUBJECT: ROKG TO MAINTAIN FIRM STANCE TOWARDS DPRK Classified By: Joseph Y. Yun for reasons 1.4 (B) and (D). 1. (C) Summary. During a December 15 luncheon meeting with the DCM, Dr. Kim Tae-hyo, a principal advisor to ROK President Lee Myung-bak, indicated that President Lee would maintain his firm poli.. 2011. 11. 24.