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Politics and Society Archive383

The New Regionalism "The New Regionalism" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Michael Newman, 1996, “The New Regionalism",「Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union」, London: Hurst & Company. The New Regionalism Michael Newman, 1996, “The New Regionalism",「Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union」, London: Hurst & Company. 1. 새로운 지역주의 1960, 70년대 지역주의는 지역운동은 활발했지만 제도화 수준이 약하고 중앙정부의 간섭으로 인해 프랑스, 이탈리아, 영국에서 실패했다. 그러나 1980년대 이후 새.. 2023. 3. 13.
The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation "The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Shaw, M. 1997, “The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation”, Review of International Political Economy, 4(3), 497~513. The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation Shaw, M. 1997, “The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation”, Review of .. 2023. 3. 13.
The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry "The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Nye, J. S. 2004, “The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry”, Foreign Affairs, 83(3). The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry Nye, J. S. 2004, “The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry”, Foreign Affairs, 83(3). 1. 미국의 연성권력은 왜 감소하는가? 반미는 최근에 증가.. 2023. 3. 13.
Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organization and International Order "Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organization and International Order" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Hurrell, A. 1995, “Regionalism in Theoretical Perspective”, Edited by Fawcett, L. & Hurrell, A. Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organization and International Order, Oxford University Press Inc, pp. 37~73. Regionalism in World Politics: Regional Organization and International Order Hurrell, A. .. 2023. 3. 13.
Anarchy is What States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics "Anarchy is What States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Alexander Wendt, 1995, "Anarchy is What States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics", James Der Derian ed. International Theory- Critical Investigations, New York University, pp. 129~177. Anarchy is What States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics Alexander Wendt, 1995.. 2023. 3. 13.
Origins of the Modern World System "Origins of the Modern World System: A Missing Link" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: A. R. Zolberg, 1981, "Origins of the Modern World System: A Missing Link", World Politics, 33(2), pp. 253~281. Origins of the Modern World System: A Missing Link A. R. Zolberg, 1981, "Origins of the Modern World System: A Missing Link", World Politics, 33(2), pp. 253~281. 근대화와 발전에 대한 최근의 논쟁 속에서 ‘역사’는 사회과학의 관심대상으로 부활했다. 즉, 서구의 과.. 2023. 3. 12.
Neo-Marxist Challenges to the Classical Tradition "Neo-Marxist Challenges to the Classical Tradition" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Holsti, 1985, “Neo-Marxist Challenges to the Classical Tradition”, The Dividing Discipline, Chap 4. NeoMarxist Challenges to the Classical Tradition Holsti, 1985, “Neo-Marxist Challenges to the Classical Tradition”, The Dividing Discipline, Chap 4. 맑스와 그의 제자들은 세계사회주의(global society) 이론가들과 같이 민족-국가로 이루어진 체제를 초월하는 보편적인 사회질서에 대한 비전.. 2023. 3. 12.
Is Internaitonal Relations a Discipline? Morton A. Kaplan의 "Is Internaitonal Relations a Discipline?" 정리/첨부파일참고. 원문: Morton A. Kaplan. 1961. "Is International Relations a discipline?," The Journal of Politics 23. Is Internaitonal Relations a Discipline? Morton A. Kaplan Morton A. Kaplan. 1961. "Is International Relations a discipline?," The Journal of Politics 23. 국제 관계학이 하나의 학문으로 구별되는가 하는 질문은 독립된 학문의 영역으로 확고히 자리 잡지 못한 상황을 대변해준다. 국제 관계.. 2023. 3. 12.
The Unipolar Illusion: Why New Great Powers will rise? "The Unipolar Illusion: Why New Great Powers will rise?" 정리/첨부파일참고. 원문: Christopher Layne, 1993, "The Unipolar Illusion: Why Great Powers will rise", International Security, 17(4). The Unipolar Illusion: Why New Great Powers will rise? Christopher Layne, 1993, "The Unipolar Illusion: Why Great Powers will rise", International Security, 17(4). 1. 개요 - 새로운 강대국의 등장은 국제체제에 중요한 영향을 미침. - 강대국의 등장은 구조적.. 2023. 3. 12.
Constructing International Politics Alexander Wendt 의 "Constructing International Politics" 정리/첨부파일참고. 원문: Alexander Wendt. 1995. "Constructing International Politics," International Security vol. 20. No. 1. p 71∼81. Constructing International Politics - Alexander Wendt - Alexander Wendt. 1995. "Constructing International Politics," International Security vol. 20. No. 1. p 71∼81. 1. 서론 Mearsheimer의 False Promise는 두 가지 점에서 환영받을 만하다.. 2023. 3. 12.