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Politics and diplomacy Archive212

Continuity and Transformation in the World Today: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis "Continuity and Transformation in the World Today: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Ruggie, J. G. 1993, "Continuity and Transformation in the World Today: Toward a Neorealist Synthesis", World Politics, 35(2). Continuity and Transformation in the World Today: Toward a Neo-realist Synthesis Ruggie, J. G. 1993, "Continuity and Transformation in the World Today: Toward a Neorealist Sy.. 2023. 3. 18.
Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks "Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: David Kang, 2003, “Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks”, International Security, Spring. Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks David Kang, 2003, “Getting Asia Wrong: The Need for New Analytical Frameworks”, International Security, Spring. 대부분의 국제관계이론은 주로 유럽의 경험을 귀납적으로 추론한 것이며,.. 2023. 3. 18.
The future of World Politics: Will it Resemble the Past? "The future of World Politics: Will it Resemble the Past?" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Robert Jevis, 1991/1992, "The future of World Politics: Will it Resemble the Past?", International Security, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 39∼73. The future of World Politics: Will it Resemble the Past? Robert Jevis, 1991/1992, "The future of World Politics: Will it Resemble the Past?", International Security, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 3.. 2023. 3. 18.
The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory "The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Steve Smith, 1995, "The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory" Booth and Smith ed,『International Relations Theory Today』(The Pennsylvania State University Press), pp. 1∼37. The Self-Images of a Discipline: A Genealogy of International Relations Theory Steve Smith,.. 2023. 3. 18.
Location, Location, Location: Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation "Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation"중에서 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Feldman, M. P. & Massard(eds.), N. 2002, Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation, Kluwer Academic Publisher. Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation Feldman, M. P. & Massard(eds.), N. 2002, Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation, Kluwer Academic Publisher. Chapter 1 Locat.. 2023. 3. 18.
Positivism and Beyond "Positivism and Beyond" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Steve Smith, 1996, "Positivism and beyond," Smith & Booth & Zalewski(eds).『International theory: positivism and beyond』Cambridge University Press, pp. 11∼44. Positivism and Beyond Steve Smith, 1996, "Positivism and beyond," Smith & Booth & Zalewski(eds).『International theory: positivism and beyond』Cambridge University Press, pp. 11∼44. 지난 40년 동안 국제관계학은 실증주.. 2023. 3. 18.
The International society perspective on World Politics reconsidered "The International society perspective on World Politics reconsidered" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Hidemi Suganami, 2002, “The International society perspective on World Politics reconsidered”, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 2(1). The International society perspective on World Politics reconsidered Hidemi Suganami, 2002, “The International society perspective on World Politics reconsidered”, I.. 2023. 3. 13.
The New Regionalism "The New Regionalism" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Michael Newman, 1996, “The New Regionalism",「Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union」, London: Hurst & Company. The New Regionalism Michael Newman, 1996, “The New Regionalism",「Democracy, Sovereignty and the European Union」, London: Hurst & Company. 1. 새로운 지역주의 1960, 70년대 지역주의는 지역운동은 활발했지만 제도화 수준이 약하고 중앙정부의 간섭으로 인해 프랑스, 이탈리아, 영국에서 실패했다. 그러나 1980년대 이후 새.. 2023. 3. 13.
The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation "The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Shaw, M. 1997, “The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation”, Review of International Political Economy, 4(3), 497~513. The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation Shaw, M. 1997, “The State of Globalization: Towards a Theory of State Transformation”, Review of .. 2023. 3. 13.
The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry "The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry" 정리/첨부파일 참고. 원문: Nye, J. S. 2004, “The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry”, Foreign Affairs, 83(3). The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry Nye, J. S. 2004, “The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry”, Foreign Affairs, 83(3). 1. 미국의 연성권력은 왜 감소하는가? 반미는 최근에 증가.. 2023. 3. 13.